How to Submit ANYTHING to the PTA

How to Submit ANYTHING to the PTA

The PTA does everything we can to receive order forms, sign-up sheets, and payments in an organized fashion. However, as our mail box is constantly receiving informational catalogs, postcards, letters and flyers, please try to follow these suggestions when submitting anything to the PTA:

1. Put your Paperwork in an Envelope: This prevents items, especially checks, from being separated from their corresponding forms. Paper clips and staples can cause checks to be lost or torn sometimes due to the sheer volume of mail in our mailbox. Also, items presented in an envelope are much more likely to reach your child’s teacher at the beginning of the day for delivery to our mailbox.

2. Label the Envelope: Please address it to the PTA. Also, if you can include a “re” like “Spiritwear” or “Shopping Card Fundraiser,” that’s helpful in seeing to it that the right coordinator  has more immediate access to it.

3. Label the Check: On the memo line, write what event you are paying for, such as “Fall Festival tickets.” If your check is separated from your order form, it increases the chances of being reunited with the correct paperwork.

4. Include Contact Information: Whenever possible, please include your phone number or email so that if there is ever a question about your order, we can contact you in a timely, efficient manner.

5. Be Legible: Sometimes, we read or enter something incorrectly, like an email address, because, for example, we mistake a zero for a capital or lower case O. Clarity is key to easy processing!

Payment request form:



Receipt form for incoming cash/check deposits:
